After three days of travel, we are finally in South Africa! We landed in Jo'burg this morning, Wed. April 6th. We enjoyed our 9 hour layover in Frankfurt, Germany with authentic German foods and bier! Now - we are exhausted. Just as I was saying how happy we had our first night accomodation planned and a ride set from the airport, our "friend of an accquaintance" did not show!
So, next thing we know - we pull out the Lonely Planet and decide to head to Soweto, the SOuth-WEst-TOwnship outside Johannesburg. Townships were designed as a place for black South African to live in segregation from the white people of Joburg, yet still be close enough to work. Both Mandela and Tutu lived in Soweto. We are in a cute backpackers lodge with our tent set up! There are many drums, hammocks, and bikes! We are looking forward to posting up, catching some sleep, and planning our safari in Kruger Park.
Much love,
Alex and Mike
Sounds fantastic!! Can't wait to hear the details.